Sara Canini

Sara has been working as a Pilates instructor since 2007 following her accreditation by BASI Pilates. In addition, Sara is a graduate of SEAD, Salzburg’s prestigious contemporary dance academy. Following completion of her education at SEAD, Sara moved to Vienna securing work as a professional freelance dancer with various companies across Europe. I

In 2008, Sara began working in the Pilates Akademie directed by Barbara Mayr. In 2013 Sara opened her Pilates Atelier in Vienna where she teaches privates and groups classes for all levels also with the Pilates apparatus. Sara’s passion and curiosity about learning and making new experiences brings her constantly to meet new people, with whom she shares information and knowledge. Sara regularly attends classes and workshops led by renowned instructors such as Rael Isacowitz, Alan Herdman, Gordon Thompson, Barbara Mayr and of course with all the great BASI Pilates faculty and teachers. Sara was pleased to join the BASI faculty in 2012.

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