Sabine Schlegel

Sabine is a BASI® certified MTTC-Trainer since 2011, CTTC-Trainer since 2013 and a member of the BASI®-Faculty since 2017. The former elite athlete studied sport therapy (B.A.) and sport science (B.A. and M.A.) at the University of Freiburg. After finishing her masters she started working as a sport therapist and a research associate (PhD) at the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the Universitätsklinikum Freiburg. In 2016 she began as a Lecturer at the Department of Sport and Sport Science at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität as well as continueing her research at the Universitätsklinikum Freiburg.
As of 2011 Sabine has been a self-employed Pilates instructor teaching mat classes and private sessions at the Pilates and Gyrotonic Studio „Dynamic Arts“ owned by Miriam Friedrich Honório und Krisztina Ajkay, and also for several groups around the area of Freiburg. So far, she has attended several workshops to deeingpen her knowledge and experience: Including a workshop in 2011 with Rael Isacowitz in Zurich, the BASI® Mentor Program in Munich in 2014 and the BASI® Master Program in Athens in 2016.

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