Shoulder Mechanics with Natascha Eyber

(this workshop is recognized by the DPV as continuing education)

Shoulder mechanics

This BASI Pilates® workshop will focus on the correct mechanics of the shoulder girdle – particularly relating to the Pilates repertoire. Immaculate control and sequencing of movement are essential in this method. Higher-level Pilates challenges, coupled with everyday activities demanding shoulder involvement, can easily create negative movement patterns and compensations. Poor shoulder stability, mobility as well as incorrect pattering of movement are certainly the most frequently encountered dysfunctions amongst clients. This subject is one that needs to be addressed as its implications are far reaching.


Lecturer: Natascha Eyber
Date: Saturday February 26th, 2022
Time: 10:00 – 17:00 (incl. break)
Place: Dynamic Arts, Kartäuserstr. 13, 79102 Freiburg
Price: 149,- €
Applicationform here

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