“Learn from the Leaders Munich 2021”

                                                                                          The workshop language is English.

Rael Isacowitz

Finding the perfect pitch- Cueing for success

From the outset BASI® (Body Arts and Science International) was intended to be a balance of art and science, two complementary forces within movement – scientific rationale and artistic appeal. Every exercise is choreographed and refined to satisfy these two aspects of movement. The teacher’s challenge is to cue in a way that defines the shapes we are striving to achieve and guides the student toward success. It inevitable comes down to cueing and acquiring the insight to offer the right cues.
In the process we will look at the vital role of the eyes in finding correct placement. If the eyes are not focused in the correct direction the head, and spine, will likely not be in the correct place. We will also address the body’s instinctive and reactive response to stress and explore how this can hinder achieving precision in alignment and body position. One position will be specifically looked at: the infamous C-curve. The C-curve is a position we measure many other positions by – in musical terms “middle C” (256 Hz). Let’s find perfect pitch!


Pilates, Biomechanics, and Reality: How positive biomechanical concepts can become negative movement patterns

Science continually offers new information and substantiates (or sometimes disproves) existing theories. It enables movement professionals to improve and refine their systems and teaching methodologies, with the intention of achieving better results. Yet, notwithstanding good intentions, scientific information is sometimes implemented incorrectly or taken to the extreme, creating a new set of problems in the process. This workshop explors how scientific advances are adopted and examines examples of negative movement patterns that have emanated from sound and solid concepts. 

Topics include: 

·       The use of neutral spine and neutral pelvis
·       Interpreting “locking” the joints
·       Placement of the head 
·       Finding the balance between stabilization and mobilization
·       The importance of the hip flexor group

Participants receive concrete guidelines on how to achieve positive outcomes and avoid the common pitfalls of misinterpretation.


Samantha Wood

Pilates for Text Neck

“Text neck” is an overuse syndrome caused by the repetitive stress of holding one’s head in a forward and downward position for extended periods of time.  Recently, the prevalence of this syndrome is on the rise due to increasing hours spent on handheld devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers.  In this workshop, we will discuss the anatomy and physiology of the tissues affected by text neck posture. One of the best ways to remedy text neck is through exercise.  We will learn some of the best strengthening exercises and stretches to help eliminate the symptoms of text neck.  With this knowledge and practical experience, you will feel confident in treating your own text neck and helping others who suffer from it.

Pilates prescrition- Hip Injuries

This workshop will teach Pilates Instructors a physical therapy approach to working with clients suffering from hip pathologies such as: piriformis syndrome, osteoarthrosis, total hip joint replacement, and labral tears.  Functional anatomy, biomechanics, and current research related to the hip will be reviewed.  Specific injuries and diagnoses will be discussed.  Participants will learn precautions and/or contraindications for these injuries, as well as options and/or exercise modifications to the original Pilates repertoire. Through lecture, discussion, demonstration and practice participants will learn safe ways to work with clients who suffer from some of the most commonly seen hip issues.

 Jessie Lee

Functional knee joint in everyday living

The knee joint needs to be both stable and mobile. At the same time it is also reliant on foot, pelvic and spinal alignment. Lack of strength and alignment, can pose both acute or chronic knee problems and arthritis, which can result in knee surgery or arthroplasty. We will look at how to help your clients prevent knee problems, addressing common underlying misalignment problems, as well as post-surgery rehabilitation.

This will be a functional movement workshop using mat and Pilates studio apparatus as well as dynamic weightbearing functional exercises, that help the knee joint to cope with everyday challenges of stairs, walking, squatting and running.

Rotation and multi planar movements of the torso and spine in the Pilates studio 

This will be a movement orientated workshop with mat and equipment based exercises to inspire you to add more multi planar movement into your Pilates repertoire.

Whether your clients are active in sports or sit at a computer all day, it is important to address mobility of the spine in all planes of movement. Functional daily movements are mostly multiplanar and we move in many combinations of movement throughout the day. Lack of movement through sedentary lifestyle, illness and injuries will affect the posture and reduce our ability to move in these planes. Rotation and extension are difficult movements to perform and also some of the first movements we lose as we age. We will explore how these movements of the spine interact in multi planar movements together with flexion, lateral flexion and lateral translation. 

Adding more focus to multi planar movement will target and improve the fascial web and give more freedom of movement to clients of all ages and backgrounds.


Natascha Eyber und Jessie Lee

Every BODY is different, no BODY is perfect!

People with physical impairments have to invest far more effort in managing their daily task and participating in general life. It is not only the impairment itself that makes it difficult, but also the additional injuries and long term damage that can result from the initial impairment. A person reliant on the use of a wheel chair has a higher risk of at some stage in his life suffering from serious shoulder problems; unless of course he under takes preventative measures to stop this from occurring.

Jessie Lee and Natascha Eyber will share their experience how Pilates has helped their clients, what can be achieved and generate interest in the multiple solutions that Pilates training can offer.

The gait cycle, the shifting of the centre of gravity of the body, higher demands placed on specific body parts in terms of a required increase in flexibility, stability and power, are all factors that are relevant in compensating for the impairment that affects a person. This will be explained in the workshop with assistance of video clips and discussions with people affected by an impairment.

In addition you will have the opportunity to explore in interactive exchange, together with the participation of clients affected by impairment, how to adapt the use of Pilates equipment in a creative manner to achieve a positive training result.


Mat Classes

Mariam Younossi

Bringing equipment on to the Mat

In this mat class we will bring some exercises from the Basi Pilates equipment repertoire on to the mat. We will be finding new ways to integrate the familiar choreographies using Basi Principles to create a movement flow. You will discover interesting variations and challenges that create a new impetus for your mat work classes.

Maria Sylla

BASI mat class with variations

A regular BASI mat class where we will follow the original BASI repertoire and we will also play with the choreography of some exercises: progressions where we make the exercise more difficult,modifications where we make the exercise easier or variations where the level of the exercise stays the same.We will explore and re-invent our regular practice and most of all we will have fun!!!

Jessie Lee

The Gait Cycle – Mat moves for gait

The single most important component for most people is to be able to transfer themselves from one place to another as effortlessly as possible. We will focus on exercises that improve gait, by adding emphasis on rotation, reciprocal motion and standing functional movement. The mat class is applicable for clients with movement impairments, as well as anyone that wants to improve overall function and gait patterning

Natascha Eyber

Mat class with focus on the shoulder girdle

The shoulder is described as a „muscle dependent joint“ it has to perform a number of complex functions, not only in the advanced Pilates repertoire but also in daily live. Strengthening, mobilization and stabilization as well as good mechanics are therefore essential. This mat class will focus mainly on the Bridging Block in the BASI® Block System and is an ideal supplement to the mat class of Jessie Lee.

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