Program BASI
“Learn from the Leaders Munich 2021”

Thursday, September 30th, 2021:

10:15-11:45: Registration

12:00-15:00:  Workshop

  • Pilates for Text Neck – Samantha Wood

15:00-16:00:  Lunch break

  • with participation at the venue a lunchbox is included in the price

16:00 – 16:45: Welcome address to the third Learn from the Leaders in Germany with an review of 30 years BASI Pilates Rael Isacowitz, 5 years of the innovative BASI Systems Equipment Cengiz Han Ücgün  and 10 years of BASI Germany/Austria Natascha Eyber

16:45-19:45:  Workshop

  • Pilates prescription: Hip injuries – Samantha Wood

Friday, October 1st, 2021

11:30-12:15: Registration

12:15-13:15: Mat Class  presented by Maria Sylla

13:30 – 16:30 : Workshop

  • Finding the perfect Pitch – Cueing for success – Rael Isacowitz

16:30 – 17:30: Break

  • with participation at the venue a lunchbox is included in the price

17:30 – 20:30:  Workshop

  • Pilates, Biomechanics, and Reality: How positive biomechanical concepts can become negative movement patterns – Rael Isacowitz

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021


07:45-08:30 – Registration

8:30-9:30: Mat class – presented by Mariam Younossi 

10:00-13:00:  Workshop

  • Functional knee joint in everyday living Jessie Lee

13:00-14:00: Lunch break

  • with participation at the venue a lunchbox is included in the price

14:00-17:00: Workshop

  • Rotation and multi planar movements of the torso and spine in the Pilates studio Jessie Lee

17:15- 18:45: „Athletic Mat Class“ – Rael Isacowitz

Sunday, October 3rd, 2021:

07:45-08:30 – Registration

8:30-09:30 Mat class

  •  Mat class with focus on the gait cycle – Jessie Lee

10:00-13:00: Workshop/Presentation. Every BODY is different- no BODY is perfect (part 1)

  • The Danish Wounded Warriors Project using Pilates as rehabilitation for soldiers and civilians with multiple traumatic injuries, including video presentation – Jessie Lee
  • Pilates for people affected by physical disabilities, such as thalidomide damage – Natascha Eyber

13:00-14:00: Lunch break

  • with participation at the venue a lunchbox is included in the price

14:00-17:00: Workshop Every BODY is different- no BODY is perfect (part 2)

  • Interactive workshop for designing Pilates for clients with serious movement impairment  Jessie Lee and Natascha Eyber

17:15- 18:15 : Mat class 

  • Mat class with focus on the shoulder girdle – Natascha Eyber

End of conference

Important information:

Learn from the Leaders Munich 2021 will be presented both as an Online and physical presence event which will be streamed live from our event venue where a limited number of participants will be permitted to attend in physical presence. The number of participants that are permitted to participate in presence is set by the owners of the venue and is dependent on the safe distancing regulations published by the city of Munich.
The presenters are going to travel to Munich and will present their workshops for all participants at the course venue, regardless of whether they are participating online or are physically present. This will allow those that cannot, or are not allowed to travel to attend the congress as well.

Automatically a number of “what happens if?” questions arise:

• What happens if Rael or other presenters cannot travel to Munich?
The event will take place as planned at the venue, the lecturers however will be presenting their workshops online from their home base and will be assisted by BASI Principal/Senior Faculty members at the course venue. This concept has already been successfully implemented in a number of BASI workshops over the past year.

• What happens if more participants are allowed to attend in presence than what is currently allowed?
We will contact all those that are participating online in the order that we received their new application and ask them if they would like to participate in presence.

• What happens if the number of participants that are allowed to be present is reduced due to new safe distancing regulations?
In that instance we are going to allocate the places available for physical presence in the order that we received the new application for the participation at the event.

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